Our platform has four main types of users, each with different levels of access and abilities. This guide will help you understand what each role can do.

Role Comparison

To help you understand the differences between roles at a glance, here’s a side-by-side comparison:

Access own resources
Access all resources
Create/edit own resources
Create/edit all resources
Delete own resources
Delete all resources
Access AI learning features
View user information
User management

This system of roles helps keep everyone’s work organized and secure. It ensures that people can access what they need for their job while protecting sensitive information and features.

Detailed Role Descriptions


A User is like a standard team member. They can work on their own projects and see their own information, but they can’t access other people’s work or make changes that affect the whole organization.


A Contributor is like a standard user with org-wide access. They can do everything a Regular User can, plus they can see and work on projects across the organization, with some permission limits.


An Owner is like a team leader. They have full access to everything in the system, including AI learning features, but they can’t manage user accounts.


An Admin has the highest level of access within the platform, but with some key limitations on user management.

User Management and Role Changes

User management, including adding or removing users and changing user roles, is handled exclusively by Lume. This ensures the highest level of security and control over user access.

To request user management actions or role changes:

  1. Contact your Lume point of Contact via email or your company’s preferred communication channel with Lume
  2. Provide the following information:
    • The desired role (for role change requests)
    • Names and email addresses of new users to be added (for adding users)
    • Names of users to be removed (for removing users)
  3. You’ll receive a confirmation once the changes have been made

User management actions (editing roles, adding/removing users) are exclusively handled by Lume to ensure the highest level of security and control.