After generating mapping logic, it is common to review it to know if you should make any edits before mapping more data. Once reviewed, you can confidently use this pipeline’s mapper for future job runs. You can review the:

  1. Spec (e.g. the property lineage)
  2. Mapper Logic
  3. Mapped Data

Fetch Spec

To review spec (e.g. the property lineage):


Access the job result

Fetch the job’s result you want to review.

Call Get Results From Job with job_id and retrieve the most recent Result.

Verify the result status. This will tell you more information on type checking results. Learn more in the Status page.


Get the spec

Call Get Spec for Result with fetched result’s result_id. This returns a mapping, which stores the mapped data, mapping logic, and confidence scores.


Review lineage

Review the spec and confidence scores to discern if the results are as expected, or if you should edit the mapper via a Workshop. See Reviewing Spec to learn more about how to parse the spec.

Fetch Mapper

The mapper, which is the full transformation logic, is exposed to users via the Lume App only. Access the Pipeline Detail page to review the mapper for a pipeline.

Fetch Mapped Data

To access the mapped data, see Get Mapped Data.