App Guides were last updated on 6/24/2024. We’ve shipped several features and workflow improvements since then. Please reach out to your Lume POC to receive an updated guide.

To edit the Lume generated mapping logic, use any of the multiple levers Lume provides.

This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on updating the source schema property from which the target property pulls. This can be achieved through two methods: manual assignment of the source property or setting a constant.

Manual Assignment of Source Property

Step 1: Click the Spec tab.

Step 2: Select Manual Assignment.

Step 3: Choose Extract. This action allows for the selection of a different source property.

Step 4: Click Update Source Property.

Setting a Constant

Step 1: Click the Set Constant tab. This action enables the setting of a constant.

Step 2: Set the desired constant. In this example, it’s set to null.

Step 3: Click Set Default to assign this mapping to a default.

After completing these steps, wait for the mapping to apply. The output logic will then be visible.