The Lume Typescript Client Library is currently in beta. Please reach out to our support team if you have any questions or feature requests, or encounter any bugs.


The Lume Client Library is accessed via the entry class, Lume.

import { Lume } from "@lume-ai/typescript-sdk";

const lume: Lume = new Lume("api_key");

This Typescript library provides an overview of the classes, methods, and models of the Client Library. You can always refer to the ground truth in the package bundle itself after installing it.

Search Resources

The Lume Client Library provides methods to search through flows and runs using various filters.

Search Flows

You can search for flows using the searchFlows method. This method accepts filters for name and tags.

const flowService = lume.flowService;
const flows = await flowService.searchFlows({
    name: 'example_pipeline',
    tags_filter: {"key":"color","value":"yellow"}

For the tags_filter, you can chain multiple tags through our boolean operations. You can look for tags with the color yellow and blue.

const flows = await flowService.searchFlows({
    name: 'example_pipeline',
    tags_filter: {"or_":[{"key":"color","value":"blue"},{"key":"color","value":"yellow"}]}

Search runs

You can search for runs using the searchRuns method. This method accepts filters for name, tags, and version_id.

const runs = await flow.searchRuns({
    tags_filter: {"key":"color","value":"yellow"}

More Information

Refer to the Client Library Bundle Code to review the workflows and use the corresponding methods in the Typescript Client Library.