Creating Descriptions

Descriptions are a key factor in leveraging Lume effectively. They can directly enhance mapping accuracy depending on the use case. Here are some comprehensive tips and best practices for optimizing your Lume descriptions.

Write in Full Phrases

Writing descriptions in full phrases provides more context and clarity, which helps the AI understand the data better.

Provide Business Context

Including business context in your descriptions is crucial for domain-specific or company-specific definitions. This helps the AI consider the nuances of your specific use case.

Define Edge Cases as Needed

Explicitly defining edge cases in your descriptions can significantly improve mapping accuracy by guiding the AI on how to handle special scenarios.

Additional Tips

  • Use Clear and Concise Language: Avoid jargon and ambiguous terms. Clear descriptions help the AI understand your data better.
  • Be Specific: The more specific your description, the better the AI can map the data accurately.
  • Review and Update Regularly: As your business needs evolve, make sure to review and update your descriptions to maintain accuracy.

For more help tailoring your descriptions to your unique workflow, reach out to the Lume team. We are here to assist you in optimizing your data mappings.